Sunday, May 9, 2010

random conversation in youth...

ok... so youth today was pretty dang funy.
well... at least i thought it was.
the conversation we had went something like this:

chris: ok so today we're going to talk about friendships.
*chris explains a story about two girls that remind me a lot of me and carleigh*
chirs(later): what would you say to your friend if they were dressing like a... derogatory term...?(he meant slut)
me: i would straight up tell her that she was dressing like a (derogatory term) and then tell her to change.
*i get a few funny looks*
me(to cj): i guess they've never heard me and carleigh talking.
cj: what do you mean?
me: i mean that she would do the same for me.
cj: you mean she would call you a skank?
me: yep.
cj: what kind of a friend does that?
me: carleighmaddisonaltom.


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